Cultivating a safe space for you to practice your flow, whether that being a strong Vinyasa practise, a Slow Flow, Hatha, Yin Yoga or Yoga Nidra. Open to all levels, in a private or group session, online and in-studio. Connecting movement to breath to realign your body-mind-soul connection.


7 class package

In - studio schedule

Find your practice

  • Hatha is one of the oldest traditional Yoga styles. Most other forms of Yoga are derived from this practise. Hatha is all about balance; the sun and the moon, the masculine and the feminine, Ying and Yang. A balance between seated and standing postures, holding these for a significant amount of time to build mental and psychical strength.

    Active, dynamic Yang poses are alternated with more calming Yin poses. Where the Yang part is aimed at tightening and strengthening your muscles and your stamina, the Yin poses focus on deeper connective tissue and organs and the stillness within yourself. A moving meditation.

  • Vinyasa, derived from Hatha Yoga, is a practise where we transition much faster in between Asana’s (postures) than a Hatha sequence. With Vinyasa we dynamically move from one Asana to the next, creating a state of flow and heat. Within Vinyasa you have beginners classes, which are slower and more focussed on explanation of the poses. Whereas a strong, intermediate or advanced class will deepen your practise and will be more physically challenging. This practise will learn you to listen to the limits of your body, leaving you feeling more energetic, strong, open and/or balanced.

  • Yin Yoga is a beautiful, loving and calm style of Yoga that consist of a series of longer-held passive Asana (posture), close to the earth. It is a slow-paced, meditative practice where you hold a pose for 2-5 minutes and focus on the connective tissues of the body (fascia) and the joints. It stimulates the meridians and the function of your organs.

    Yin Yoga allows you to slow down and releases stress and stored emotions through the support of the breath. It increases flexibility and improves the flow of Prana (life energy) and general well-being. A lovely practice for the end of your day and on your moon cycle.

  • Yoga Nidra is a form of sleep Yoga in which we explore the thin layer between the consciousness and the subconsciousness. Laying comfortable in Shavasana, you’ll be guided through a deep meditation, not fully awake nor asleep.

    Yoga Nidra reduces stress, depression, fatigue and contributes to a deep night sleep. One hour of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent of 4 hours of sleep. This practice is mostly enjoyed just before bed and can work wonders for those having trouble sleeping.

Love Notes